A Time Comes To Decide
Head in hands, sitting motionless in your car with hands on the wheel, looking out your window, or lying in bed at night steering up at the ceiling.
We have all been there, life is not going as you expected, whether work, relationships, marriages, or just life in general. Your feeling hopeless, lack direction, you just can't seem to get going. For me it was sitting on the edge of my bed one night at the age of 60 and wondering is this it!! Is this the best it is going to get for me. The room got still for a moment like everything was in slow motion. My little dog Airel comes into the room and it is if she is walking in slow motion. I am sitting there wondering is this just where I settle and watch the rest of my life go by....At that moment A Voice appears and I had heard that Voice before over my lifetime....It was my Father as clear as if he was standing right there and I had heard these 4 words before when he needed to make to point to me....These 4 words spoke volumes to me but much more this time.
"NO SON OF MINE".... At that moment my life changed. I was reminded that my father died at 54 when he had so much more to offer. I was 60 I had already lived 6 years past my father, been able to see all my children grow and prosper, see my grandchildren's birth's and I knew at that moment there was something more, that I had better health than my father, I could do more, I could have more Influence and and Inspiration to others but I was lacking one thing. ACTION... It was at t this moment that I put the past in my review mirror, and decided on a new path. I had the technology right at my fingertips to find the Influence of others who could help guide me on my path. 5 years ago I would not have expected to be sitting here writing this Blog, and living the life that I do. I say this to you....What is holding you back, I do not care whether you are in your 20's 30's, 40's or more you can make a change that can make a change in others!!! My Message is this... IT IS POSSIBLE... IT ALL CHANGE STARTS WITH ACTION NO MATTER HOW SMALL. A Book, A Seminar, A TED Talk, an Online Mentorship, like it was for me it is right there at your fingertips.
Today Should Be That Day Of Action. It's that Single Step Forward..... It Starts Right Here