Greet The Day
I have a question for you, do you just get up each day and go through the Motions or do you GREET THE DAY.
Every New Day you should introduce yourself. It is your day but, do not take it for granted. Each new day is gift and if you Greet it properly with enthusiasm and excitement there is no telling where that day can lead you. Treat it like a brand new friend or new customer. Get Up and and Say Good Morning To Your Day, Nice to meet you, thank you for being with me today. Whatever it takes to get there, just get there and give it the proper greeting it deserves.
Greet the Day so you can get to know it better so you both can go out and Inspire and Encourage people around you. Share your greeting with others. Do you want to start a positive dialog with others? Ask them "How Did You Greet Your Day"? I bet you will be surprised at the answer. Most may not understand what you mean and you might have to nudge them a little bit and that's o.k. Instead of talking about all the boring stuff like the current news of the day, or who won or lost in last nights sporting event, Get them to think and ponder for a moment. Tell them why you always give your Day the proper Greeting. Each day brings that new breath of life, it starts the blood pumping which fuels you mental capacity. Stand Up and raise your arms and Greet The Day.
We all have the gift to Inspire, Encourage and Motivate and it all starts with YOU and How You Greet Your Day.