Stop Being A Spectator
Today is more than April Fools Day, yes it is Easter as well and as I write this I want to wish all of you a Happy Easter for you and your family but I have a question for you.
April 1 begins the Second Quarter of 2018 or as we say Q-2. My question is this, where are you on your Purpose or Mission you laid out at the beginning of 2018? If you are not where you thought you be or where you want to be then I will say the problem is not what you see on the News, your Favorite TV Program, or what is going on in the Political World. Your problem is that you have not made the decision to Jump. You have been standing there with your feet on the edge, you lean forward but then pull back. Your still on that Drive into a work in commute traffic to a Job you hate and you know you have the same journey home in 8 or 9 hours.
You know you want something better, the opportunity or vision has been dropped in your lap and it excites you each time you think about it but, still you find yourself in that Monday Morning Commute or the Sunday afternoon when you start to get depressed because you know Monday is coming. The Good News is that you have the power to Stop The Madness and all it takes is that leap forward, that Jump and the good news is that you are not alone because others have Jumped before you and others are ready as well. The choice is clear, you can just Go Through Life like you have or you can Decide to LIVE!! You may be asking yourself "What If This Doesn't Work"? my question back to you is "What If It DOES WORK!!
Here is what I want you to do. I want you to Click Here after that I want you to close your eyes and just listen to the video that is attached and the decision should be clear. Stop Being A Spectator and Start To Design You Life.